Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Time4Learning - It's about time!

I've been invited to try Time4Learning for one month in exchange for a candid review. My opinion will be entirely my own, so be sure to come back and read about my experience. Time4Learning offers standards-based language arts and math curriculum.Science,social studies and art lessons are provided as a bonus for most grades. Find out how to write your own curriculum reviewfor Time4Learning.

I am very excited about this, and maybe they will get one in Hebrew, as the concept is great.

Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Dovid

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Parsha Vayeishev (Chag HaGula - Alter Rebbe)

"Children do well. if they can" Dr. Ross W. Green

Dear friends, family members and students of Beis Yosef Torah Academy

Another week has come and gone, and we are entering the week of Chanuka.  The festival of light.  It is also a time to think of Chinuk (Education) as they share a commen root form.  The reason that this school has opened is to allow those children that need to "Learn their way" to have a place to do just that.  We are very happy to be able to offer a space both in real time, as well as using modern technology to let children enter our classroom.

We are wishing all of you a very happy and healthy Chanuka, and the lights will bring blessing from the lights will be extended not only to the world at large, but to your own homes in particular.

Here is a bit about what we learned this week in Beis Yosef.

Aleph Beis - It wasn't an easy week for the boys, however both groups are moving along very nicely.  They continue to review and practice their reading.  The one thing that I am noticing, is that if we just let them be, they seem to be advancing nicely on their own.  So I think that I will kind of let nature take it's course with them and see how it develops.
Pirkie Avos - Melamed Eli, spent a lot of time going over the three things that the world stands on: Torah, Avodah, and Acts of kindness.  We discussed what was more important, and they thought that Avoda (Prayer) was the most important.  When asked why, they said because without it, we won't want to do the other two.  Interesting thought...

Parsha HaShavua - Rachel went over the story of Joseph and how even though he wasn't liked by his brothers and they did mean things to him, he still didn't hold a grudge towards them.  

In Hilchos Shabbos Last week learned the laws of  Zoraya (Planting). This week continued on and learned about Kotzer (Harvesting), Miamer  (Gathering), and Dash (Threshing) They thought about how playing outside could be problematic on Shabbat, and decided that since they were still little kids and not BIG boys they could still play outside the way they want.

Once question that came up was whether or not these laws apply to plants that are grown in  hydroponic gardens.  We noticed that beans left in water for 2 days will start to sprout.  What do you think?

Eli's Corner - Eli continued on with Chanuka and how important it is to light up the world.

Moshiach - This week was a holiday for Chabad Chassidim.  On Thursday it was the 19th of the Jewish month Kislev.  On this day the founder of Chabad was released from Prison.  He was put in prison for teaching Chassidut.  Chassidut.  We talked about how Chassidut is important to learn, because it is the Torah of Moshiach.  With the release of of his confinement, it meant that the world was ready to have these teachings spread out to all corners of the world.  We celebrated with a party and the story of Rabbi Shneur Zalman's release from prison.

It was interesting to see that this holiday also fell on "Thanksgiving"a secular holiday in the US and Canada and that the custom is to eat a festive meal that includes Turkey.  In Hebrew the word for Turkey is Tarngol Hodu.  Hodu in Hebrew means Praise or Thanks.  So with truly have something to to be thankful for with Rabbi Zalman's release from prison.

Dvar Torah - This weeks parsha Vaheishev  (settled, tranquil) talks about how Yaakov wanted to live in tranquility, and yet it wasn't until he was in Eyghpt that G-d requested this request.  Here Yaakov spent the last 17 years of his life with his children and grandchildren.  This teaches the importance of requesting from G-d the time to end the Gulus (Exile) and bring about the true redemption quickly without delay(Lubavitcher Rebbe)

Wishing you and your family and friends a warm Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Dovid and Chaya-Rachel Wheeler

Friday, November 19, 2010

And There They Go!! - Parsha Vayishlach

"Now is the time"

Dear friends, family members and students of Beis Yosef Torah Academy

I can't get over how fast the week went.  It just seems that when we get in a roll, it's time to stop. 

One thing that I noticed this week was how important the children rely on each other.  We had one child that was out for a few days, and it just played havoc on his friend and study partner.  This boy could not really get into the day at all.  It was as if he just wasn't all himself.  I guess he wasn't, because when his partner came back things started to pick up for him.

Last week I received an email from a friend regarding the eLearning situation in the states.  There were a few reports put out and the results were very amazing.

Quote "Education Secretary Arne Duncan released the final version of the National Education Technology Plan.  The plan which emphasizes the role of the deaprtment as a facilitator, is focused on enhancing academic instruction through Internet-based learning, a decreased emphasis on "seat time"and a preference for more flexibility".

The week before there was a recent article in the LA Times business section discussing long distance learning.  Two quotes are worthy of being noted:

Ä recent report by the U.S. Department of Education found that students in online conditions performed modestly better, on average, than those learning the same material through traditional face-to-face instruction":

"Michael Lambert, exectuive director of the Distance Education and Training Council, a nonprofit accreditation agency for online learning, said he expects the number of students taking cyber-courses to suprass those in traditional classrooms within the next decade"

So it seem that things are starting to look up for those that are offering virtual classrooms.  Granted there are some technical issues to still work out, it is clear that this is the future and Beis Yosef Torah Academy is on the cutting edge of where education is going.

Aleph Beis - Group A is moving along, it wasn't an easy week for them, but all in all they have continued to surprise themselves with what they are reading.  Kol Hakavod!!!  Group B is not letting up.  They are working on new words that have Kamatz and Patach together in them, and they started reading their first book. It was very moving to see the excitement on one child''s face as he finished a complete sentence. Keep up the good work Group A and Group B

Chassidus - 
As we continue our journey of the soul, we started to look at what Pirkei Avos is saying regarding that we should not think of ourselves as a Tzadik.  We talked about what does a Tzadik have, and they said they have "good middos, learn Torah, are nice to people, and they need to be wise".  Regarding the wicked (Rasha) person, they said they are "just mean"

Pirkie Avos - We continued the understanding of our tradition, and talked about how Moshe gave the Torah to Yeshua since he wasn't going to go to Eretz Israel.  

Tefillah - We cut out Shema Cards in order to have pictures to look at, and help us to concentrate when saying the first paragraph of the Shema.

Parsha HaShavua - The class was recorded and you can hear it if you press the parsha class in the upper right hand corner.

In Hilchos Shabbos Last week learned the laws of Choresh, and how we have to be careful when playing outside in order to not trespass this melacha.  This week week we learned about Zoraya (Planting).  This was important for us as we are starting to prepare for our garden.  We also noticed that there is a pattern happening with the laws that we are learning and what we will learn next week.

Eli's Corner - Beis Yosef Torah Academy was very excited to welcome our newest Melamed; Eli Marks.  Eli taught us about the story of Chanuka as well as some of the minhagim.  The class thought it was interesting to know that what is writen on the Dreidel  in Israel is not the same as outside of Israel.  In Israel there is a פ for Poh (here) and outside of Israel there is a ש for sham.  Eli was not feeling good one day, so he taught us in the Virtual classroom from his home.

Moshiach - We read the story "The Best Call of All" we talked about how we will feel when Moshiach comes.  What will the world be like.  The boys said that there will be no killing, no stealing, everybody will be really good, there will be peace, and people will be happy. (AMEN)

Dvar Torah - Vayishlach means that "He sent" this refers to the mission that the soul has when being in-clothed in a physical body to perform their mission here on earth.  Meaning to perform Mitzvos and learn Torah and influence our invironment positively so that the physical world becomes a home for G-d. (Lubavitcher Rebbe)

Wishing you and your family and friends a warm Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Dovid and Chaya-Rachel Wheeler

Registration for the online classes are now open.  Please visit the link below to sign up. 
To sign up for the online school please visit: Beis Yosef Torah Academy

Once again, your children will need to have:
- Computer
- Webcam (some come with built in microphone)
- Microphone/Headset

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Wonderful Week of Learning


"A little light, dispells much darkness"

Dear friends, family members and students of Beis Yosef Torah Academy

What can I say, another week has come and gone, and it was truly wonderful to learn with the children.  One of the great things that I have to remember is that BYTA is just a small part of a larger picture.  We were privileged to part of the International Global Learning day.  A day that showed that those learning in a Virtual school or home school actually are being listened to.

Aleph Beis - As there are different levels regarding the reading and writing in our group we have decided to tell you what they are each doing.  I am pleased to say that both groups are starting to read though, and this brings me (the teacher) and I hope you a lot of nachas from these boys.  Group A is moving along rather nicely.  They have the entire Aleph Beis bal peh, and we have been working on the nikudot.  They have been working very hard, and are up to Cholom Maley.  WAY TO GO!!!  We will continue on next with and hope to finish.  They can read words with the Kamatz such as Atah, Aba, etc...  Group B has really leaped forward this week and have taken on themselves to move farther in their reading.  They are not only reading the Kamatz three letter words, but also have gone on to word and sound recognition.  They have worked hard this week and I am sure that we will see alot more from this group in the weeks to follow.  Yishar Koach Group A and Group B

Chassidus - We are learning the first chapter of Tanya. "Tanya, at the end of the third chapter of Tractate Nidda, that the soul is given an oath to be a Tzadik and Not a Rasha.. The main idea is that we are taught when in Shamayim to not forget about the oath and that we have mission.  As this just started we will continue to explore this journey of our soul.  Stay tuned for next week, when we examine the contradiction between Pirke Avos and what was written Tractate Nidda.

Pirkie Avos - Started the first 3 sentiences in the first mishna, and looked at how we are part of a great chain; of not only History but of a nation that is still around.  Because we are guarding and learning Torah.

Tefillah - We are working very hard on our Tefillah.  We are learning that it is not always easy to concentrate and speak to Hashem.  We started learning the third perek of Shema, and how it reminds of to remember the Exodus.  We also have started to kiss our Tzitzit where they are mentioned in the Shema.

Understanding Our Tefillah - We learned this week that we always have a direct number to the pelephone of Hashem.  All we need to do is to call the number.  We also talked about how our prayers are answered just by the kavana in our heart.

In Hilchos Shabbos we are starting to learn the 39 Melachot.  We discussed the different ways that we can do Choresh, and how we have to be careful when playing outside in order to not trespass this melacha.  

Wishing you and your family and friends a warm Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Dovid and Chaya-Rachel Wheeler

Registration for the online classes are now open.  Please visit the link below to sign up. 
To sign up for the online school please visit: Beis Yosef Torah Academy

Once again, your children will need to have:
- Computer
- Webcam (some come with built in microphone)
- Microphone/Headset